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Chicago New and Used Honda Dealer
About Fletcher Jones Honda - Your Chicago New and Used Honda Dealer
Our team at Fletcher Jones Honda in Chicago would like to thank you for visiting our website!We have a skilled and knowledgeable sales staff with many years of experience satisfying our customers' needs. Located in Chicago, Illinois, the staff at Fletcher Jones Honda will help you find the new Honda vehicle or used car you want. At Fletcher Jones Honda we offer a searchable online inventory of new Honda cars in Chicago, along with well-maintained used cars by today's top manufacturers. Come on in and take a test drive! Our sales staff will help you find that new Honda or quality used car that you have been searching for.
For years, the financial staff at Fletcher Jones Honda has offered expert advice for those seeking an affordable Honda car loan or lease. Our service doesn't just stop there. Chicago customers can come in and take advantage of our knowledgeable Honda car repair technicians and a fully-stocked inventory of Honda auto parts.
Whether you are looking for a Honda, or a pre-owned car or truck, Fletcher Jones Honda is here to help. If you don't see what you are looking for, click on CarFinder and simply fill out the form. We will let you know when vehicles arrive that match your search! If you would rather discuss your options with our friendly sales staff, click on Directions for interactive driving directions. We are conveniently located at 1100 North Clark Street. You can also reach Fletcher Jones Honda any time by filling out our contact form or calling us. The entire staff at Fletcher Jones Honda looks forward to serving you!
Fletcher Jones Sr. at Fletcher Jones Imports - Las Vegas - 1982
Fletcher "Ted" Jones presides over one of the most successful luxury automobile dealer groups in the United States. Ted has been credited with pioneering a revolutionary approach in which "guests" not "customers" are treated with the same level of service you would expect from a five-star hotel. The son of an industry legend, Fletcher Jones Senior, Ted manages an automotive retail empire that spans four states and nineteen (19) dealerships.
Fletcher "Ted" Jones - Fletcher Jones Motorcars - Newport Beach - 1982 | Fletcher Jones Chevrolet - Last Vegas, Nevada - 1994 |
Today those dealerships include: In Hawaii, Mercedes-Benz of Honolulu, Mercedes-Benz of Maui, Jaguar of Honolulu, Land Rover of Honolulu, Porsche of Hawaii, Big Island Honda - Hilo, and Big Island Honda-Kona. In Southern and Northern California, Fletcher Jones Motorcars, Newport Beach, Fletcher Jones Motorcars of Fremont, Porsche of Fremont and the newest addition Audi Beverly Hills. In Nevada, Fletcher Jones Imports, Mercedes-Benz of Henderson, Fletcher Jones Toyota/Scion and Jones West Ford in Reno. For Illinois, in the Chicago metropolitan area, Fletcher Jones Audi, Fletcher Jones Honda, Fletcher Jones Volkswagen and Mercedes-Benz of Chicago.
While Ted has set new standards for excellence in the industry, his winning formula can be traced back to a family legacy that dates back more than 50 years to the post-World War II landscape of Southern California. It all started in 1946, when Fletcher Jones Senior met a man on a golf course who would forever change his destiny. Impressed by how successful the man had become by selling cars, the USC student decided to switch gears from being a law student to becoming an entrepreneur in the burgeoning automotive retail industry. After scraping together $1,200 -- a veritable fortune in those days -- Jones Sr. opened a modest used car lot in downtown Los Angeles and sold his first vehicle for $70. He went on to open his first new car dealership and earned his first taste of success by selling Chrysler and Plymouth vehicles.
To spread the word quickly, Jones Senior tried using TV and newspaper advertising, featuring himself as the spokesperson. The personal approach turned out to be very effective and inspired a formula Ted still follows, today. Over the next 15 years, Jones Sr. expanded his operations to include Chevrolet and GM-brand cars and opened an array of new dealerships located throughout Southern California, Phoenix and Las Vegas.
It was in the mid-1960s Jones Sr. gave his son, Fletcher, (who went by the name Ted) to distinguish himself from his father, his first job in the business. Jones worked in a wide array of entry-level positions, ranging from sweeping the facility's floors and working in the parts departments before advancing into sales and management positions. With his father's guidance, Jones, opened his own dealership in the city of Whittier, where he sold Mazda vehicles. Within a few years, the decision to sell the fuel-efficient cars would prove fortuitous, as the oil crisis required Americans to look for more fuel-efficient vehicles.
Not wanting to put too much emphasis on one brand, Ted began opening additional dealerships that offered both domestic and import vehicles, and soon operated a stable of eight locations from Southern California to Las Vegas. He managed them jointly with his father until 1994, when at the age of 76, Fletcher Jones Senior passed away.
By the early 1990s, Ted Jones had a clear vision of the expansion he wanted his business to take, and in 1991, he purchased a bankrupt luxury auto dealership in the affluent community of Newport Beach. He went on to create one of the nation's largest Mercedes-Benz center. After implementing his innovative ideas to maximize sales, client amenities and improved customer service, Ted has applied the same successful business principles to all of the dealerships that make up the Fletcher Jones Fine Family of Dealerships, today.
To carry on the tradition, Ted's son Fletcher Jones III began in high school learning the business from the service floor up. Now, many years later, with his father's guidance, he is working to bring his own personal insights and contributions to insure a long lasting legacy of integrity and innovation while continuing the family legacy in the automotive retail business.
Edan!!!. Harga baru Ninja 250R hanya 38juta rupiah??…..
Garuk-garuk kepala…pasti mzbro. IWB disodorin sebuah link dari brother pengunjung blog bahwa ada salah satu member Kaskus menjual motor anyar jauh dari harga pasaran. Kenapa hal itu bisa dilakukan??…siseller mengklaim doi mampu menekan harga karena kepengurusan BPKB menggunakan jalur normal. Maksudnya??…
Entahlah…apa definisi jalur normal yang dimaksud sehingga seller mampu menurunkan banderol sikuda besi begitu signifikan. Sebab kalau yang menjadi alasan adalah kepengurusan BPKB…mosok iya surat-surat kepemilikan kendaraan begitu mahalnya. Setahu IWB, kalkukasi banderol sebuah kuda besi banyak variabel yang mempengaruhi seperti PPnBM, PPh, pajak daerah, biaya distribusi dan pernik-pernik cost lain sehingga muncullah harga On The Road atau siap jalan….
Hebatnya…menurut seller barang merupakan produk fresh atau baru dari pabrik. Begitupun surat-surat…resmi komplit sesuai kodratnya. Bedanya adalah….BPKB bakal turun 10 bulan setelah motor diterima karena pengurusan lewat jalur normal (mboh ki piye maksude?? ). Coba IWB intip satu persatu….price list asli memang membuat ngiler. Contohnya Ninja 250R dan Honda CBR250 ABS dijual 38juta, Byson 16.5juta, Scorpio 18.5juta, Megapro 15.8juta dan masih banyak motor lain dari berbagai merk….komplit tenan!! terus gimana kita sebagai biker??….
Saran IWB….jangan pernah tergiur sesuatu yang tidak wajar. Jangan sampai gara-gara ingin berhemat…uang kita malah melayang. Dikesempatan ini pula, IWB ingin mengajak sharing serta diskusi dengan mzbro semua khusunya jika sampeyan bekerja pada sektor penjualan otomotif roda dua…apakah iming-iming seller diatas memang masuk logika??. Apakah betul kepengurusan BPKB sedemikian mempengaruhi banderol motor…dalam tanda kutip ” under table” memang sangat besar?? monggo komentar dan opininya supaya bisa dijadikan petunjuk untuk kita semua…...(iwb)
Montor edan:Gilera Rondine,dab!
Motor apa pesawat?Apa kapal selam malah??
Kalau yg ini versi telanjangnya.
Seberapa edannya motor ini pak,bu,pakdhe,budhe,kangmas dan mbakyu??Untuk motor buatan tahun 1935(kira-kira diriku masih dimana itu ?),yg bertangki bensin warna merah itu mampu mencatatkan diri sebagai motor tercepat sedunia (dengan ditambahi fairing) dengan rekor 14,72 detik untuk 1000m(berarti 1km to??bukan 300m ala drag nasional)!!Kecepatannya mencapai 245 km/jam pada 19 november 1935!!Entah seedan apa orang yg menjokinya,mengingat jalannya yg belum hotmix plus teromol pada piranti remnya!!Dah gitu,pakai helm cetok lagi..!!(sst..prestasi lainnya juara gp tripoli,juga di tahun 1935 mengasapi moto guzzi dan norton)
Nah,yg pakai baju model pesawat itu ternyata lebih ediaaan lagi masdab!Pada 1939 atau 4 tahun berikutnya(hmmm..kalau di tahun ini dah nyampe mana ya aku? )berhasil mempertajam rekor menjadi 274km/jam!Walahdalah..ternyata bodi macem odong-odong itu benar-benar terbukti efektif aerodinamikanya!!Sangat membantu menebas angin.Ndak sia-sia deh riset di wind tunnel(terowongan angin)!!
Kok bisa ya?Jangan-jangan pakai mesin pesawat beneran nih..Coba disimak dari situs http://www.motodepocafacile.it/en/2010/03/23/moto-depoca-gilera-rondine/ ini: ”In fact, it has an engine
quadricilindrico of 500c.c. of a
cylinder with supercharger, big
end and that turned up bench roller
bearings, cylinders tilted forward
30 ° with walls nitrided, distribution
double camshaft, change 4
pressed steel frame and gears” dengan tenaga hampir 90hp pada 9000rpm..Ediyan to?!O,ya ternyata motor ini dibuat dengan kerjasama NCA(dinas kedirgantaraan nasional italia,semacam IPTN sepertinya).
quadricilindrico of 500c.c. of a
cylinder with supercharger, big
end and that turned up bench roller
bearings, cylinders tilted forward
30 ° with walls nitrided, distribution
double camshaft, change 4
pressed steel frame and gears” dengan tenaga hampir 90hp pada 9000rpm..Ediyan to?!O,ya ternyata motor ini dibuat dengan kerjasama NCA(dinas kedirgantaraan nasional italia,semacam IPTN sepertinya).
Jangan heran juga kenapa kok niat-niatnya italia membuat rekor gila-gilaan begitu.Karena jaman itu italia sedang dipimpin oleh pemimpin yg terlalu waras Benito Mussolini yg fasis temannya Hitler.Jadi,kebijakannya jelas,italia harus jadi nomer satu di dunia untuk semua bidang.Termasuk permotoran..
Semoga bermanfaat dan menambah pengetahuan kita bersama.
Bonus:ni yg ada gambar-gambarnya saat pemecahan rekor.. http://www.it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNA_Rondine?wasRedirected=true
(Tapi buat yg rekor 274 kpj kok taunnya beda ya dengan situs sebelumnya,sama motornya juga beda.apa 2 kali ya,yg 37 pakai bajunya ga full,trus yg 39 pakai bodi pesawat itu??) Cheers,
Bonus:ni yg ada gambar-gambarnya saat pemecahan rekor.. http://www.it.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNA_Rondine?wasRedirected=true
(Tapi buat yg rekor 274 kpj kok taunnya beda ya dengan situs sebelumnya,sama motornya juga beda.apa 2 kali ya,yg 37 pakai bajunya ga full,trus yg 39 pakai bodi pesawat itu??) Cheers,
”mugi-mugi sampeyan
sakaluwargo tansah
pinaringan rohmat&hidayah
saking Alloh azza wa
jalla,sehat wal afiat,jembar
rejeki,tata titis tentrem
rahayu,gemah ripah loh jinawi″
sakaluwargo tansah
pinaringan rohmat&hidayah
saking Alloh azza wa
jalla,sehat wal afiat,jembar
rejeki,tata titis tentrem
rahayu,gemah ripah loh jinawi″
video sadis raungan engine ] FGR V6 2500 Midalu , motor edan from Checkoslovakia
Siapa sangka, negara-negara yang menjadi barometer Pabrikan industri motor dunia, seperti jepang- jerman, maupun italy mendapat gebrakan edan edanan, dari sebuah negara yang tak terlalu populer sebagai industri sepeda motor? , yeahh gebrakan edan itu datang dari Checkoslovakia
terlahir dari brand FGR , sebuah team balap GP 125 cc dari ceszc yang didaulat mewujudkan motor dengan engine 2500 cc berkonvigurasi v6 90 degree dengan didukung dana dari departemen perindustrian & perdagangan Cheko hingga bisa menyelesaikan porject Midalu 2500 cc v6 selama 6 tahun .
frame teralis nya sangat unik , berbidang lebar dari area komstir , hingga di bawah tangki, namun mengecil dan menyatu pada engine mounting bagian belakang , mengapit big engine nya, ( bentuk nya boleh saya bilang mirip ” jarang kepang” ) kuda lumping .red
konsep design body naked, minimalis, bengis , aura egois dengan sumber tenaga dari engine ber kubikasi murni 2.442 cc dengan torsi tembus 200 Nm. puncak Horse power mencapai 240 dk terlihat dengan penggunaan seater yang hanya boleh dinaiki oleh 1 rider
prototype ini telah muncul di pameran motor Eicma , dan menunggu potensial buyer untuk di produksi massal dengan unit terbatas , yang rencananya akan dimulai di 2012
berikut video test ride nya :
dentuman ritme engine saat stationer, bukan seperti sebuah moge ataupun motor multy cylinder lainnya, namun berkarakter dan padat, terlebih saat throttel mulai di buka hingga high RPM, edaaaannn bengis dan sadiiss raungan nya pedas dan responsive!
nah yang selanjut nya video test Rpm, monggo cekidot #terlihat boss Yamaha pun di buat nya berdecak kagum! :mblongo mode On:
monggo di share & uneg2 dari mas bro:
source from Youtube & twowheelsblog.com
salam from warung DOHC never_ending_horee_exploring!
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